Cat meowing
Cat Behavior

Why Do Cats Meow?

Whether it is a short meow or a long drawn our meoooow, your cat is trying to tell you something. But what? Aren’t they just saying the same thing, just differently? No, you don’t need a secret cat decoder. Just think of each different meow as a different phrase. Introduction: Why do cats meow Your […]

Cat biting a person
Cat Behavior

Why Does My Cat Bite Me?

The best way to decipher the reason behind why your cat bites are to look for behaviors that accompany the biting. If you’ve been bitten, it is most likely related to one of these five reasons. Here’s our guide to why cats bite and how to avoid them.

Cat made a mess with paper
Cat Training

How to Discipline a Cat

It’s the age old question, how to discipline a cat. And the very thought of it might cause sleepless nights (either because you’re a loving owner who can’t stand the thought of disciplining your cat, or because you’re terrified of the battle that will commence when you do); but there’s no denying that sometimes a naughty cat has to be told.

Cat purring on person
Cat Care

Cat Purring Healing Benefits

Forget the empirical research; cat owners have been hailing this particular truth for decades – nothing beats the restorative power of a warm, comforting, cuddly, furry purrrrrring from a loving feline. As ever, though, science is only just catching up with the world of cat-love, finally putting some hard evidence behind the crazy claim. Are […]

Fat cat on a diet
Cat Care

How to Put a Cat on a Diet

If your cat’s legs aren’t the only things touching the floor when she’s walking, it’s probably time to put your cat on a diet. Sure, there are times when a cat simply eats so much that its belly grows in size for a short time and that’s completely normal. But if this is constantly the […]

Cat facts and stories
Cat Stories

Cat Facts

An interesting set of random cats facts for cat enthusiasts. Do you adore all things feline? So, do we. But why adopt the crazy cat lady label when we can call ourselves ailurophiles?