Dwarf Cats Introduction
Dwarf cats get their name from their short legs, which is cause by the condition of dwarfism. But while they may be short, they’re not necessarily miniature cats. As you’ll see below, some dwarf cats are pretty darn tiny. The Minskin, for example, is one of the smallest cats and tops off at around 6 pounds of feline loveliness.
But other dwarf cats grow bigger. The Lambkin Dwarf, for example, weighs in at around 10 pounds when fully grown.
So the main distinguishing feature of dwarf cats is not their overall size or weight but their short legs.
One thing you should keep in mind is that dwarf cats are pretty new to the world of cat fancy, since development only started around the mid 1980s and they’re not yet recognized outside the United States.
That being said, there are several dwarf cat breeds currently in existence and they’re all as charming as they look.
Here are the major dwarf cat breeds with pictures and personalities so you can get to know them better!
Munchkin Cat
If you love dwarf cats you have me to thank, since my breed is the founding father of all stubby legged cats.
For decades now, I’ve been outcrossed with the Sphynx, the Persian, the LaPerm and many others to create the gorgeous range of short legged felines you know and love today. You’re welcome.
Personality-wise, I’m also a winner. I’m as easy-going as a cat can be and stay happy-go-lucky even when I’m a full grown cat. And far from hampering my lifestyle, my short legs help me navigate the most challenging twists and turns.

Find out more about the Munchkin.
Bambino Cat
My name is Italian and it means small child, which as you can see, fits me purrfectly. My lineage comes from that of the Munchkin cat and the hairless Sphynx, which accounts for my super unique looks.
I mean, short legs and hairlessness? I’m truly one of a kind.
But I’m not just gorgeous in the looks department; I’ve been blessed with the outgoing affection of the Sphynx and the easy-going sociability of the Munchkin, which makes me one of the sweetest, most cuddly cat breeds you’ll ever meet.

Dwelf Cat
Think the Bambino is special-looking? Hah! Wait ’til you get a load of me! As you can tell from my looks, I’m very…mixed. I get my short legs from the Munchkin cat, my lack of hair from the Sphynx and my adorably curled ears from the American Curl.
The result? The most exotic, stubby legged cat you ever laid eyes on.
I’m pretty darn rare but if you’re lucky enough to get ahold of me, I make one of the best pets you’ll ever have. I adore my humans and remain active and playful well into adulthood.

Lambkin Dwarf Cat
I got the name Lambkin? because my coat has the general appearance of a lamb’s fleece. It’s wonderfully curly with a few sprinkles of unruliness here and there. You’ll love petting me – I feel like cashmere.
I may be vertically challenged, but my shortness never prevents me from enjoying life to the fullest.
I guess that’s cause my temperament is the purrfect mix between the dispositions of my parents ? I get my zippy bearing from my Munchkin side of the family, while my Selkirk Rex roots are responsible for my docile and cheerful attitude. Read more about the Lambkin Dwarf.

Minskin Cat
My lineage is complicated. I hail from a combination of fantastic cat breeds, getting my short legs from the Munchkin, my hairlessness from the Sphynx, and my other beautifully unique features from the Devon Rex and the Burmese.
The result: A wonderfully social people cat who loves spending time bonding and interacting with humans.
Oh, and I’m not just friendly with humans, I get along great with other pets, especially dogs, which makes me an ideal breed for multi-pet households.

Kinkalow Cat
Love the short legs of the Munchkin and the curled ears of the American Curl? Well, you’re going to adore me!
Especially since what my legs lack in size, I make up for in playfulness. I love to play games with my humans and you’ll often find me zipping around the house, chasing invisible prey.
I m also known for a few quirks: loving the trampoline is one, sleeping on my back is two and you’ll have to read more about me to find out the others.

Napoleon Cat
Take the gorgeous fluffy looks of a Persian and the short legged beauty of the Munchkin and what do you get? Beautiful me.
Thanks to the happy disposition of my forefathers, I am one lovely cat to get to know. I’m warm, friendly and enjoy a good cuddling session so don’t leave me alone too often, okay
Oh, and in case you’re wondering – I’m not a furniture with fur. Despite the rumors of Persian cats being lazy, I’m actually pretty active and enjoy running around and even climbing!

Skookum Cat
I’m every bit as adorable as my name. And how could I not be? I do hail from wonderful cat breeds like the Munchkin and LaPerm cat, both of whom are known for their good looks and lovely personalities.
As such, I’m the total package: super cute, affectionate, and cuddly. I’m no shy wallflower of a lap cat, either – I’m more of an extrovert, so friendly and outgoing in fact that you may find me greeting visitors at the door.
The downside is that like with many dwarf cats, I’m a very rare cat to get your hands on.

Genetta Cat
Hmmm, seems like the writer saved the best for last! Not to brag or anything, but I really am a beauty.
There is simply no other dwarf cat breed that has my markings. I look like a little wildcat on short legs and trust me when I say I am a marvel to behold.
The wildcat looks are because I’ve been bred to look like a genet. But don’t worry, I don’t have a drop of genet blood in me – I come from a domestic lineage of Munchkin, Bengal and Savannah cats (although the latter do have some wildcat roots).
My personality is active, intelligent and very, very confident. I’ll spend my days running about and socializing with you and your crew or scooting onto your lap for a good cuddle session!

the kinkalow and the napoleon are the two breeds of cats that i am interested in…would you have any breeders [in the new york area]….??
my phone no:212.752.0175
thanx for any info…barney etengoff