tailless cat
Cat Groups

Tailless Cats and Cats with Short Tails

Most cat lovers haven’t yet had the pleasure of encountering naturally tailless cats so when you first come across one, prepare to be surprised. We all have an internal image of what a cat should look like: you know, perky ears; round, almond-shaped eyes; and a long, flickery tail. So when you finally meet a […]

Cat feeling sick
Cat Care

Cat Colds and Remedies

The weather outside is frightful and your cat has been feeling less than delightful. She’s sneezing an awful lot lately and there’s some kind of funky discharge coming out of her nose and eyes. She’s breathing through her mouth as well, which you’ve never seen her do before. Reminds you an awful lot of what […]

Cat whiskers
Cat Care

All About Cat Whiskers

Your cat is a creature of mystery, mystery that permeates everything she does and every adorable feature of her precious little face. Everyone knows that one of most recognizable parts of a fabulous feline is her whiskers! No one disputes the beauty of these bristly appendages, but what are they for? Why do they invariably […]

Cats mating
Cat Care

How to Deal with Cats In Heat

Birds do it. Bees do it. And your cat really, really wants to get in on the action too. If you have an intact female cat – you know exactly what we’re talking about: cats in heat. Yes, that period of hormonal upheaval that transforms your sweet, adorable cat into a yowling, licking bundle of […]

Affectionate cat
Cat Groups

Top 10 Most Affectionate Cat Breeds

It’s a shame that cats keep getting cast in a villainous light, accused of being snooty and cold-hearted when, as many cat owners know, it is just not true! Sure, cats are independent animals but they do love their owners and prove that through a range of warm gestures from purring and licking to following […]

Popular cat breeds
Cat Groups

8 Most Popular Cat Breeds

Cats are crazy popular. They rule the Internet as well as a whole lot of households. According to research, dog owning households slightly outnumber cat owning households – but when it comes to raw population, cats outnumber dogs.

Smart cat breeds
Cat Groups

Top 10 Smartest Cat Breeds

There is no doubt that cats can be intelligent companions. And ‘though whether cats are smarter than dogs has always been and will remain a hot topic of debate, after coming home from a hard day at work to find the cat napping in a sunbeam, it’s hard not to start questioning if cats are […]

Cat being friendly with dog
Cat Groups

Top 10 Friendliest Cat Breeds

Cats have too long been stereotyped as aloof and anti-social creatures. And sure, our feline friends may not be as obvious about their affections as canines, but that doesn’t mean these furry felines don’t crave attention, company and cuddle sessions. In fact, certain cat breeds live to mix and mingle. So much, in fact, that […]

Cat breed Birman sitting on grass
Cat Groups

Fluffy Cat Breeds

Some like them hairless. Some prefer curly. And they’re all lovely in their own way, but you have to admit there’s nothing like a soft, fluffy puffball to really melt your heart. Seriously, what is it about fluffy cat breeds that make them so darn gorgeous? Maybe it’s the aesthetics of an adorable face attached […]